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E-Mail Support/FAQ

What is my incoming mail server called?

What is my outgoing mail server called?
Whoever you get internet access from. (Example) If you dial-up through "PacBell.net" your outgoing mail sever would be something like "mail.pacbell.net" ....  If you already have e-mail set-up, you most likely will need to re-set the incoming mail sever only.

Who is the administrator?
Usually the person who signs up for web hosting is the person who gets administration privileges, but can delegate these duties to another person, department or webmaster.

Important Information, Please read!

E-mail administration and maintenance is browser-based for simple remote administration 24 hours.

We have setup a browser-based site administration control panel to help both novice and advanced users get more from their account.  The site administration can be found at "www.yourdomain.com/siteadmin" (use the same password and username that you FTP in with)
As site administrator you can, 
Add/Delete/Modify users/e-mail accounts within your domain.
setup mailing lists
backup/restore your site. 
In addition, you and your users (Yes, you can now create your own users!) can access features such as
password reset
disk usage
Vacation Email Response
email auto-forwarding
at "www.yourdomain.com/personal" 
Never give site administrator privileges or any of the site administrator passwords to untrusted users!

Our servers have an hierarchical structure of power; much like the military.  The "supreme" user is the Server Admin.  The Server Admin has control over all Site Admin. 1 Hour Hosting is the Server Admin !  Next comes site admin.  The site admin is the domain owner who can create users/e-mail accounts.  Users are the lowest level.  They can FTP, publish files in their own web folder, send & receive mail, and if you let them, have a Telnet account.
Each user will have their own private web space off your "Main Domain Name" www.yourdomain.com/~user

The designated administrator can add and delete registered users/email accounts, all from the browser.

The administrator is responsible for gathering usernames and passwords from individuals or departments within your company who will have e-mail accounts. It is also important that you make note of the usernames and passwords.

You will need to know your username and password to access your email. Your Site Administrator can create and delete email accounts, change passwords etc through the Site Admin web interface.
If you are a Site Administrator/webmaster and cannot remember your username/password please email support@1hourhosting.com  to have it e-mailed to you. If you are not a Site Administrator, please contact the Site Administrator/Owner of your web site.

Maintenance agents provide e-mail alerts to the administrator if they detect potential problems, giving the administrator time to take action before problems become serious.

Setting Up Users/E-Mail Accounts for Administrators

As a site administrator, you are allowed to add sub-users under your account.  You can give the users Telnet access, FrontPage accounts, and even an equivocal site-admin account (they can then add/remove any user, including you, so be careful!).  Adding users is simple.  First, login to www.yourdomain.com/siteadmin/.  The user administration screen will load.  Any users currently under your domain, including you the site admin, are listed.  Beside each user there are three icons.

modify.gif (972 bytes) This changes user password, name, disk quota, and other misc. options.
edit_email_but.gif (1021 bytes) This sets up email options, including autoresponders and mail forwarding.
delete.gif (976 bytes) This removes the user and all of their e-mail and files.

To add a user, select add_user_but.gif (1453 bytes).  Enter the user's full name.  A default username value will automatically be entered in the user name section.  You can change this at will.  Some usernames may not be available.  For example, sales, support, and webmaster are commonly used on a server and users are "server-wide" so no two domains on one server can have the exact same user.  This is where the Alias section comes in.  A username may need to be mysales rather than sales@yourdomain.com . In the alias section, however, you can enter any e-mail aliases for this account that you want.  For example, say that you want to an email account to get mail for sales, accounting, and billing @yourname.com.  In the username, you can enter your name or a "role account" name.  E.G. mysales or acmeadmin.  Then, in the aliases section you would enter sales, accounting, and billing, each on its own line.  Mail to sales@domain.com, accounting@domain.com, and billing@domain.com will all sort into the "mysales" account!
It's Easy! Once you get in the control panel, you'll see how simple it is.

E-mail and the Interface For Administrators

To setup email forwarders, mailing lists, and autoresponders, first login to www.mydomain.com/siteadmin/. Use your FTP username and password to login with.

  • Adding a mail forwarder: First add the desired username.  If the username is not available, use a derivative of it and create the desired username as an alias.  Once the user is displaying at the user-list screen, click the edit_email_but.gif (1021 bytes) beside the account.   Enter the desired forwarding address and you may also select the optional auto-response.
  • Catch-all mail in one account: To catch mail for *@yourdomain.com (ANYTHING@yourdomain.com) simply add the alias "@www.yourdomain.com" when adding the user.  Aliases may be edited using the edit_email_but.gif (1021 bytes) icon.
  • Mailing Lists: To add a mailing list, hit List Management on the left hand side of the screen.  Then select add_mail_list_but.gif (1044 bytes) and then fill in the information when prompted.
  • Autoresponders: Autoresponders are setup by first selecting add_user_but.gif (1453 bytes) then entering the auto-responder nane as the username OR alias and then once added selecting the edit_email_but.gif (1021 bytes) icon and checking the Autoresponse section.  It is that simple!

E-mail and the Interface For Users

Users will login and control their e-mail forwarding, mailing list, autoresponder, and folder from www.yourdomain.com/personal
When prompted, please enter your "username" and 'password". (If your not sure about your password, contact the domain webmaster)

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