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CGI/Perl Support

What is CGI? (common gateway interface)

Where can I get cgi scripts for my site?
Click Here for a bunch of free scripts. (you'll need to install these)

If you don't know how, or are having problems installing CGI scripts, you can use a remotely hosted cgi script on another server. Easy set-up for the non-programmers. Click Here

Can I run CGI scripts on your server?
Yes! Scripts may be run anywhere in your folder, but remember to set the file attributes to execute. To do this in FTP, go into the directory in which the cgi script is located; in your FTP program locate the command line function, and type in SITE CHMOD 755 filename.cgi where filename.cgi is the name of your cgi script. Refer to your FTP program documentation if you don't know how to set permissions.

Where is Perl directory?
Perl is located in usr/bin/perl so you would type
#!/usr/bin/perl into the first line of your script.

Can I run both file.cgi and file.pl (Yes)
If you try and run a script called file.cgi without success, try naming the script, file.pl and visa versa. Sometimes these little things make the difference.

What is the true unix path?
Note: Each domain set-up on our server is also associated with a site number i.e. site00, 
For some reason, some cgi scripts  sometimes have problems with using 
"/home/sites/www.yourdomain.com/web/file.cgi" and require the site number.

Find out what your site number is or any other Variable you might need when installing a CGI script by following the instructions below. (You will not need this script if you are installing FormMail.pl). path.pl is for more advanced CGI Scripts!

Copy the text code below and paste it into "NotePad" or a text editor of choice. and then save the file as path.pl (then you will upload path.pl to your folder on our server and set the permissions to 755). Goto your browser and type www.yourdomain.com/directory/path.pl and you'll see all the server variables you'll need for installing CGI...



print "Content-Type: text/html\n\n";
while (($key,$value) = each %ENV) {
print "$key = $value<br>\n";


Where is sendmail located?

I'd like a form on my web site to gather information!
You will need 2 things...
1. An html form.
2. formmail.cgi you can download from; CLICK HERE

Use this code as a guide to get you started. The code below will create a form for you.
You will need to change the 4 lines below to point to your web address and e-mail address.

<form method="POST" ACTION="http://www.yourdomain.com/cgi-bin/formmail.cgi">
<input type="hidden" name="recipient" value=" you@yourname.com"><input type="hidden" name="subject" value="Form Results"><input type="hidden" name="redirect" value="http://www.yourdomain.com/thanks.htm">

Do not change anything in these lines
<p>Your Name</font> <br> <input type="text" name="realname" size="30"> <br>
E-mail address</font> <br><input type="text" name="email" size="30"> <br>
Contents</font> <br><textarea name="Contents" ROWS="10" COLS="50" Wrap="Physical"></textarea> <br><input TYPE="SUBMIT" VALUE="Send Mail"> </p>

Copy all the code from above and paste it in the html of your document between
<body  and </body>

If you think our server is having problems with CGI, please let us know ASAP.
If you've tried to install a script and can't get it to work, we provide CGI services @ $100.00 per hour. 1/2 hour minimum.

If you have installed your CGI script before and are 100% sure there's an error on the server, we'll take a look and correct it. However, if we find that the problem is in the installation, you'll be charged accordingly.

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